We could assist you in different questions or problems and provide effective solutions regarding all indirect taxes such as excise duties, customs duties and value added tax.

In the range of Value Added Tax (VAT) consulting our main consulting areas are:

Finding possibilities to optimize (save) VAT

VAT consulting regarding complicated or cross-border transactions

Registering companies as VAT-liable persons

VAT compliance

With mindful VAT planning it is possible to optimize costs and through that increase the value of the company. Our VAT services include analysing and assessing companies VAT approach, indentifying potential risks and finding possibilities to improve cash flow and to optimize VAT.

International VAT regulations are complicated and often require professional know-how for interpretation to assure the correct understanding and implementation in practice.  Wrong implementation or interpretation of the regulation could result additional administrative burden to register as VAT-liable person in another country, abolish the possibility to deduct VAT or in worst case could result a tax debt and also an obligation to pay interest from the tax debt. Timely consulting could avoid all complications and make cross-border transactions easier.